Sunday, April 04, 2010
~Pelabuhan Ratu~
had long since I've never come here
finally come and make memories...

scene just before the rain
from Bunga Ayu Resort...

the morning without the gold sun....
posted by Giel at 10:57 PM | Permalink |


  • At 6:18 PM, September 12, 2010, Anonymous stella

    Hello Giel,

    Kebetulan lagi surfing tentang bunga ayu resort saya liat foto ini. Kalau boleh mau tanya apa waktu April kamu stay di Bunga Ayu? Kalau ya apa hotel bagus, bersih? Itu pantai nya ramai tidak? Saya maunya stay di Samudera Beach tapi cukup mahal harganya.

    Thank you.